February 2016

06 February 2016

February 2016

Happy 2016 from all of us at the Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau! As I write my first article of 2016 I reflect back on 2015, as most of us do when we hit the New Year! Did we do enough? Did we make an impact on our members and visitors? What could we do better in 2016? I know that both personally and professionally I have room to grow. Every day it seems that something comes across my desk that I have not dealt with yet. This can be both scary and exciting at the same time. Exciting that I have the opportunity to learn something new but also scary because doing something new also means that I may fail at this new task. None of us likes to fail, but I read something recently that I thought was beneficial enough to include in PrairieTracks. If you FAIL, never give up, because F A I L means “First Attempt In Learning”. END is not the end. In fact, E N D means “Effort Never Dies”. And if you get NO as an answer, remember N O means “Next Opportunity”. My Goal for 2016 is to be positive and not be afraid to try new ways of improving what we do at the Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau. I also want to look for new ways to promote and improve Huron. So, with that thought in mind, I need your help. What ideas do you have that could bring more visitors to Huron? What tournaments, conferences, events or activities would you like to help us bring to Huron? What can we do to help you strengthen or build your business? We are interested to know what your ideas are, so please feel free to share them with us. “We Are Huron” and together we can be better.

Laurie Shelton
Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau